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September Speaker

Laurie LeCours | Published on 8/16/2024

Meaghan Schmaltz of The Unapologetic Knitter will present Stash Management – Getting Real With Your Skeins! Focusing on accessibility, de-cluttering, and general stash and project management, Meaghan will lean on her 20+ years of experience as a knitter, getting down to the knitty-gritty of what it means to manage a stash… and it may include… gulp… FROGGING!

Meaghan Schmaltz, or The Unapologetic Knitter, believes that a life serving others is well lived. Serving her community by sharing knowledge and, in turn, learning from others’ experiences is the foundation of her business model and her life in general. Kindness is always the first response; the goal is empowering knitters.